
According to the Public Health Service Policy, IACUC "shall determine that the research project conforms with the institution's Assurance and meets the following requirements" ... "Personnel conducting procedures on the species being maintained or studied will be appropriately qualified and trained in those procedures".

To fulfill this obligation to ensure that all personnel listed on protocols are properly trained for the species they will be using and the animal procedures they will be conducting, the IACUC requires principal investigators (PIs) to maintain records of the training of their laboratory staff. As the PI on IACUC protocols, you are responsible for the supervision, training, documentation of training, and work of staff listed on this protocol. The IACUC Office Compliance Specialists will ask to see the training records during your IACUC inspections.

Please note that each PI can keep these records however they see fit. We have posted templates below that you can choose to use if you think they would be useful. They can be used or adapted to meet documentation needs.

You may also lookup your training history in the Training Hub. For courses completed in ULearn (retired on June 5, 2018), follow this Training Records How-to Guide